A screening test can detect the possibility of diabetes. Lions clubs often arrange for free diabetes screenings to be performed in their communities. To conclude that a person has diabetes would require medical testing.
Dr. Freedman (in white) and the Naples Lions Club Screeners
Vero Beach Lions Club at Screening at Vero Beach Farmers Market Beach side
St. Lucie County Fair Screening. Held February to March. Biggest screening in our Multiple District. Over 600 screenings.
Lutz-Land O'Lakes Screening.
Lions clubs are encouraged to partner with healthcare professionals to carry out joint diabetes screening projects as a suggested activity as well as combining a test for diabetic retinopathy with glaucoma testing whenever such an activity is undertaken. Lions adhere to the appropriate healthcare laws and regulations that are in effect for their jurisdiction when conducting healthcare screenings. Many healthcare regulations require any blood tests to be conducted by a licensed healthcare professional.
Provide advance publicity to local news outlets. Post flyers throughout the community informing the public about the date and location of the screening.