The Lions Clubs of Florida and the Bahamas welcome you! Mission Statement: To raise public awareness of the problems associated with diabetes. To work with Lions Clubs in MD 35 to screen for diabetes to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment to prevent blindness. To obtain grants and donations in order to further these purposes.
The Lions Diabetes Foundation of MD35 provides supplies and training to our Lions Clubs as certified blood glucose screeners which serve our communities with FREE diabetic screenings for the public to help in the prevention of the leading cause of blindness in adults by identifying and referring potential diabetics.We provide educational material for the screenings. We support three Florida Diabetes Kids Camps for youngsters from around our Multiple District.
"One out of three adults in the United States have pre-diabetes. Nine out of ten of those don't even know it. We can prevent 90% of Type 2 diabetes." Read this to see how.
Setup a screening event today! Lets us Lions decrease these numbers of diabetics by identifying them with a simple stick of the finger